How to reinstall the cPanel Perl RPMs if /scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs isn't working ? Print

  • How to reinstall the cPanel Perl RPMs if /scripts/check_cpanel_p
  • 0


If the cPanel internal Perl isn't working and /scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs is unable to run, you may be able to reinstall the RPMs manually.



  1. Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH.
  2. Determine the installed OS.
    [root@server ~]cPs# cat /etc/redhat-release
    CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
  3. Use the rpm command to get the existing cpanel-perl version.
    [root@server ~]cPs# rpm -qa | grep cpanel-perl | tail -1
  4. Construct the URL from which to download the RPMs.$CPVERSION/$OS/$OSVERSION/x86_64/
    • The value of $CPVERSION is the number after the "cp" in the cpanel-perl package version found above.
    • The value of $OS is "centos," "cloudlinx," or "rhel" based on the contents of /etc/redhat-release.
    • The value of $OSVERSION is the major version number of the OS.
    From the output of the above examples, the URL is:
  5. Run the following command to download and install the cpanel-perl packages.
    rpm -qa cpanel-perl-$VERSION*| grep cp$CPVERSION | while read x; do rpm -ivh --nodeps --force$x.rpm ; done
    Please note that in the command should be replaced with the URL constructed above. $VERSION should also be replaced with the cpanel-perl version number. $CPVERSION should be replaced with the cPanel version number.

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