
If an account transfer fails to complete or you abort it, you cannot update cPanel, and this message displays on the cPanel & WHM Upgrade Blockers page in WHM:

There are active transfers to this server. The system will block updates until those transfers end, or a user aborts them. Please read our Transfer Tool documentation for more information.


  1. Identify the unfinished transfer's session ID:
    -bash-4.2# sqlite3 /var/cpanel/transfer_sessions/whmxfer.sqlite "select sessionid from sessions where state != '100'"
  2. Remove the session ID from the transfers database:
    -bash-4.2# sqlite3 /var/cpanel/transfer_sessions/whmxfer.sqlite "delete from sessions where sessionid = 'cpthisisatestcopya202007210601035ab';"
  3. Move aside the update-blocker file:
    -bash-4.2# mv -v /var/cpanel/update_blocks.config /var/cpanel/update_blocks.config.bak
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