To uninstall CloudLinux OS, run:

$ wget -O cldeploy
$ sh cldeploy -c

Now you have converted back to AlmaLinux or CentOS* and it is the time to install kernel.

To delete CloudLinux OS kernel, run (change the kernel package name to the one you've been using):

rpm -e --nodeps $(rpm -qa | grep kernel | grep lve)

To install new AlmaLlinux or CentOS* kernel once you deleted CloudLinux OS Shared kernel, run the following command:

yum install kernel

If yum says that the latest kernel is already installed, it is OK.

Please check your bootloader configuration before rebooting the system.

To remove unused kmods and lve libs, run:

yum remove lve kmod*lve*

Kernel package and related LVE packages should be deleted and the required kernel will be installed.

Before the reboot, the following command should be executed for restoring Apache and httpd.conf without mod_hostinglimits.

For EasyApache 3:

/scripts/easyapache --build

For EasyApache 4:

/usr/local/bin/ea_install_profile --install /etc/cpanel/ea4/profiles/cpanel/default.json


Further, you can verify the type of OS and its version from the given command:


cat /etc/os-release
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